If a cloud company suddenly decides to change their offer, or alter the terms of the deal, you could be left in a bit of a tricky spot, and have to scramble to make other storage arrangements.
This is in no way an argument against cloud-based storage. This is simply recognition of the fact that when you rely on others for a service, the day may come when that service is no longer available. Some services are obviously more mission critical than others, and unless you’ve already got a Plan B in place, you could find yourself in serious trouble. Consider having an onsite as well as a cloud storage option to create redundancy in your own data. This will help to provide additional protection.
If you personally have or use a OneDrive account, especially if it’s free or unlimited, check your usage and free space, and begin moving your data to a local machine as well as to another provider before you lose it. If all of this is confusing, feel free to reach out to us for help and we can ensure that you maintain all of your information and set you up with the right solutions.